Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3: Health

I wasn't always fat. Not too long ago I was actually in pretty decent shape, and I know exactly when things started to change. Two years and one month ago I completely changed my career. I went from following my dreams to working for the man in around two weeks. Mind you, this was the wise decision at the time. Sometimes though, the wise decision isn't always the best one for us. By "us" I mean our souls... who we are on the most primal front. Change is always difficult for humans and this situation was no different.

I slowly watched as I gained five pounds. Those five pounds turned into ten. The next thing I knew that ten had turned into a gain of forty five pounds in eight months. FORTY FIVE pounds in less than a year folks...


I actually just sat and stared at the last line for about two minutes still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. It is still hard for me to believe. I think it is safe to say that what caused the weight gain and how it occurred can be fodder for a lot of posts in the future, but for now what we need to focus on is what is currently being done about the situation.

Tomorrow morning starts "the great office slim down of 2010." This is one of a few things that I am doing right now to actively lose weight. I will get into the other things soon, I promise, just bear with this one for now. About half of my office is entering into a contest tomorrow morning to see who can lose the highest percentage of their body weight in 90 days. It fits pretty amazingly with what I am trying to do right now so naturally I am all about it. We are all going to weigh-in and keep track of where we are at every Friday for the next three months. I am actually really excited about the whole thing. That being said, I totally pigged out today in anticipation. Domino's chicken bacon ranch pizzas should be illegal! Seriously!

I think it is very easy for all of us to agree that the way we perceive ourselves in the mirror really plays into how the rest of the world sees us. Their perception is based on how we present ourselves to them. If we are not happy with what we see in the mirror then how can we expect to present ourselves to others in a manner for them to feel any different? By changing our outer appearance to something that we are proud of we automatically change our inner selves. We automatically will feel better! Gradually, as we feel better, the way we project ourselves changes too. This ultimately leads us to being all around happier people!

This is one of the easiest concepts for people to grasp and one of the hardest to actually act upon. I just hope that this contest gives me a little motivation to get going.

Wish me luck on the weigh-in!

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