Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10: Goodbyes

I just dropped my friend off at the airport. It was kinda sad to see him go. I was talking with a buddy of mine back in Texas earlier about how lucky my group of friends are to have found each other. I know everybody has their " best friends," but my guys are pretty top notch. I can't rightly express on this page what genuinely good people they are. The majority of the group is back in Texas. Bi-weekly I get a half-hearted phone call asking when I am going to move back. They all understand that I have some amazing things going on out here (namely the GF) and I am not heading back any time soon.

It makes me wonder though whether or not I am in the correct place, if I am doing the right thing for me, and if I could be happier back in Texas (with the GF of course). I struggled a lot in my transition out of the film industry because I know deep in my heart that I am supposed to be a part of it. It took a lot for me to say goodbye to film and yes to doing something else. I was burnt out with my work and I needed to re-center my life. It is a precarious line to walk though because when one walks away from something new questions arise as to if they did the right thing. For example, if I am not in the film industry why I am I still out here and not closer to my family?

I am so afraid of making the wrong choices with my life! I dwell on the decisions I make until I have worked every possible angle, but the future always will throw curve-balls at you. The key is to try to make decisions that are going to make you happy. That way when you say goodbye you will have no regrets!

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