Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 93: Pillow Fight

Let me start by saying that Last night was CRAZY!!!!

I figured I would follow it up today by working. By work I mean to help my buddy out with the travel show we have been putting together. We heard about the "International Pillow Fight Day" event that was happening in Pershing Square and decided that we needed to be a part of it.

Apparently all over the world there were massive pillow fights as close to simultaneously as could be imagined. There were over 1500 people downtown duken' it out. Ten minutes into it I felt like I was in a blizzard. A disgusting germ filled pillow stuffing blizzard... nut a blizzard no less. I will amend this post when I get some still photos of the debacle. It was a blast!

I am just wondering who gets clean it up!?!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 92: Glam Rockin'

Tonight I have a party to go to...

It is not just any party, no, it happens to be an 80's Glam Rock theme party. I just want to say that Liz has gone all out and continues to cement her place as the best GF in the world. She has me completely decked out all the way to the david bowie labyrinth-esque  wig. We are getting ready to hit the road and let me just say... I'm wearing guy-liner. Below the neck I have an 80's rock band shirt with a blazer. The sleeves have been rolled up and I am backin' it up with some very loud silk scarves. Steven Tyler would be proud!

It is kinda nice to throw caution to the wind every once in a while. Tonight is especially daring considering this party is in the middle of a steak house. The majority of the other customers have no clue what is about to hit them!

Rock On!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 91: Four

Okay... Let me start by saying WHERE THE HELL DID A MONTH GO?

I understand that I am a bit behind on my posts here, but this is almost out of hand. I assure you that I have not been lazy for 31 days. I have actually been extremely busy. I have a whole host of posts (look... it rhymes) that are waiting to be logged in here.

[Rather than letting the blog flounder and be forgotten I decided to start fresh on April fools and to add the older posts in as we go.]

Like I said, I have been really busy. There have been some ups and some downs over the past ninety days and I can honestly say that I am happy with where things are headed even if nothing has really changed. 1/4 of a year into this mess I am:

  1. Still smoking
  2. Still broke
  3. Still plugging away at a job I am not happy in
  4. Still fat and injured
That being said I am also:
  1.  Happily in love
  2. On track to fix #3 of the previous section
  3. Healed on one foot completely
  4. 1/4 of a year wiser

I'm looking forward to telling you about the upcoming adventure I hope to be on shortly. Right now though I am excited about finishing my 14 hour day and going to bed.

It's good to be back...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 64: Set Backs

I had written that I was really excited about some potential great news… well… it didn’t pan out. I had two things working to possibly launch my career into a better spot. I was really excited about both of them. Unfortunately for one reason or another they both didn’t pan out. I am pretty bummed out about the whole thing. I was getting very anxious about the possibility of a new direction. Granted there are a lot of other opportunities out there and so I shouldn’t get too down on myself. It is still very hard to swallow at the moment. 

...Back to the drawing board.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 63: Mop Choppin'

I chopped my mop! I know this doesn’t seem like a post worthy event, but my locks were LOOOOONG! My hair was longer than I think it has ever been. I looked at myself in the mirror and didn’t like the greasy looking guy staring back at me. It was time! I had been rocking the longer hair for about eight months and I have firmly decided that I do not know guys like Mathew McConaughey do it. The minute my hair touched my shoulders there was a huge problem.

So I cut it all off. Liz and I have been watching the show Spartacus a lot and when she questioned how short I had gone I merely replied with “I could be a gladiator.” She was scared at first, but she quickly warmed up to the new look! All I know is there is a breeze on my neck and that makes me happy!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 62: New Meeting... Old Friends

A while back I wrote that I had gone to dinner with a friend of mine. He had mentioned that he was working on something that he was hoping I would help him with. Tonight we got together with a few regulars we work with and mapped out the launch of a completely new online community showcasing short form (5 minutes and under) content that is both original and user created. I can’t go too far into it just yet, but I am sure you will really like it… if you are into what it is about that is!

It is refreshing to get these things going. While it does occupy a fair amount of my free time I feel that in the long run it will ultimately be very worth it! Experience is one thing, but I feel this has some pretty good money making potential. It is important to listen to your gut instinct on things like this. If you like the idea than it is probably worth a second look. If it doesn’t really speak to you and you are working with friends then you should probably let them know it isn’t for you up front. I have seen a lot of people ruin relationships over projects they never wanted to be a part of in the first place. Hopefully, if you are truthful, your friend will understand. If they don’t then maybe you need to re-evaluate the friendship!

Luckily for me, I am very excited about it and I can’t wait to get more details on it to share with you!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 61: The Gym

Seeing that I can’t run right now thanks to my over-zealous desire and an aging body I have decided to hit the gym. This is interesting because I have not reallyworked out in about two years. Of course I did a lot of cardio, but as anyone who does actually train their muscles, they are far from the same thing. I am SORE! No… Like REAAAALLLY SOOORRRE! I figure this will be a good way to get things back on track though. Even though I am not allowed to be as active as I would like for a while I still can get the muscle fibers working. I can’t let this injury get me down and I sure can’t sit on my butt until I get better.

So for now I am trying to get to the gym three to four times a week. It has started off well and I hope that I can keep it up. I am sure something is going to come up in the near future that will test my dedication and when it does I have faith that I will push through. I will keep you posted on how things are going.