Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 58: LBC

Liz and I hit up Long Beach today for the LA Golf Show. Let me just say that I think I have created a monster! We wanted to go practice a bit, but the weather didn't permit it. It was a pretty good time at the show. Liz got a chance to see some photos really cool courses. This is important because she now is stoked to take a golf vacation... as soon as we can finish a full course that is.

We left the show and toured around downtown Long Beach. It amazes me that I have lived here for 3 years 11 months and 11 days and there are still cool places I have never been to. I highly recommend a trip there during the day. It is really beautiful. We went and ate in Belmont Shores at a place called The Creperie. We actually ran into a bunch of my old neighbors from Hollywood in random fashion. Made even more random due to the fact that they live in Austin and Boston now.

All in I would say it was a pretty great day! I think we are going to take it easy tonight and I am not complaining! I could use an easy night in with a beautiful woman watching movies. So, I going to do just that...

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