Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 50: Presenting

WOW 50 Days!

Let me start by saying that Power Point is not my best program! I have been working on a presentation for one of my clients over the past two weeks. It has been a pretty gruling task to say the least. I finaly gave a dry run of the finished product to the head of the company this afternoon. I was showcasing the presentation to them before we go to their bosses to actually present in a few weeks. Even though it has taken me quite a while to compile it I would have to say it has been well worth it!

Now, Power Point might not be my forte, but presenting sure is! You can put me in front of 250,000 people and I would eat it up. I have always loved it. I walked out of the meeting today knowing that I killed it! I knocked it out of the park! They President and Vice-President of the company were so excited about what I created for them that they gave me a cigar... which is a pretty big deal LOL! Seriously though I could see the appreciation in their eyes for what I had done for them. My hard work was evident and has secured a lasting relationship with that client.

I'm not saying all of this to get a pat on the back. I am more saying it to emphasize the point that if you try hard enough and practice long enough good things come about. I didn't know Power Point before getting thrown into this mess and to be honest it is way above my job expectations that I created it, but I was dillegent! I powered through to figure it out and secured a sale that perhaps would have been lost otherwise.

This is important to think about in times that are difficult. If you go the extra mile for those around you I promise it will get noticed and you will ultimately see the benefits from it!

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