Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 45: V-Day

Cue Wagner's  booming classical overture "Ride of The Valkyries"

Valentine's Day! What a day.  Some people akin it to single's awareness day (SAD for short). Others, mainly female, seem to think that there is a special type of magic tat can happen on this day. They stand firm that for 24 hours there is nothing that can go wrong in this world. I would venture to say that 80% of said group is sorely disappointed by about 2PM. There is yet another faction that tends to disregard the day exists and scorns the thought of it to any who may broach the subject.

I like to think that I am somewhere in the middle of all of this. I am always excited at the prospect of a romantic day and now that Liz and I have been through three of them we both are beginning to realize that the thing that truly matters on this silly day is that you are spending it with the one you love. The monetary gifts don't matter as much as the quality time spent being with each-other.

We kept it easy this year for gifts. We both know where we stand with our money so I asked her not to do anything for me and she did the same for me. I assumed she listened to me... we all know what a dumb-ass I would be had I listened to her. I ended up getting her a really cheesy card that happened to actually have a meaningful script in it and a makeup bag. Hers had broken about a month ago. I was very excited to get her something that she would really use and that she would really appreciate. She, of course didn't listen to me and got me two t-shirts and a kick-ass gym bag from  Puma.

After we traded gifts we headed over to a Sunday brunch space called the Overland Cafe. They happen to have a $4.99 all you can drink champagne special until 2PM. Two bottles later we "Floated" a couple of blocks away to the driving range and spent close to three hours there. It was awesome! We ordered a couple of beers on the range and I finally sold Liz on the whole idea.  She is hooked! She did extremely well and I was very proud of her.

We spoke with an older gentleman for about forty minutes. He was very interesting. He was waiting to go pick up his girlfriend from the mall to take her out to dinner when she got off work. Mind you he is 89 and she was 70! He told us about WWII, designing suits for men, and how beautiful Liz was multiple times. It really was a blast.

I am so thankful to have such a great friend for a partner and I couldn't have asked for a better day. I hope that you all had a great day as well and that your night continues accordingly. Good luck!

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