Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 47: 5 People

Okay, now that  The Alchemist has left my life for a while ( I am still deciding who to give my copy too so if you want it... let me know) there is definitely a vacancy on my bookshelf. I have been looking for another book to read whilst trying to put off reading Allan Carr's The Easy Way To Quit Smoking. I am by no means the type of person who reads a lot of self-help or inspirational books, however, I feel that now more than ever may be a time to indulge.

A co-worker of mine was telling me about a book by the author Mitch Albom, you may remember Tuesday's With Morrie. I loved this book a lot! I also highly recommend this, but I have already read it, and unlike The Alchemist once may be enough. He did recently write another book that seems like it may have some bearing on what is going on in my life right now.

The Five People You Meet In Heaven is officially next on the list! It apparently starts 50 minutes before the main character, Eddie, dies in a horrible accident. The end is the begining because the book takes place in Heaven and details... well... the five people you meet there. It is more a retrospective on life and judging ones self worth, which for the most part, is what I am doing to myself right now. I figure it may give a bit of insight to what this whole thing is about.

Oddly, I am excited to read another inspirational book. As I said before they are not on the top of my charts and I usually have to stagger them out a few months. For some reason this one just... fits.

I still need to go get it, but I feel that it will fill the void left very well. I will update you as I go along as to the intriguing points. Until then, I will be waiting to see who wants a copy of  The Alchemist..

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