Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 41: Big day

I had a very big meeting today. I followed the rules set forth in the Alchemist recently and have allowed myself to be open to the world around me. I can't quite explain what that means just yet... but it is life altering! I was very excited for today and, overall, I think it went exceedingly well.

I think that when someone is trying to actively change something in their life people notice. Not just the inner circle of people you deal with on the day to day. I am more specifically referring to casual interactions. Its like you have an glow that shines brighter when you are happy and working toward the better overall you. It is hard to explain, but I have noticed a difference in the way people are interacting with me.

I think it could also be a bit of the excitement of really trying to take over my life. I feel more alive today than I have in a long while. As more details become available on my meeting I will fill you in...


  1. Man, good job so far! I hope you keep on writing somehow and somewhere...

  2. Thanks for the comment... You are officially my first one! I am catching up slowly on the publishing. I was sick all last week and so I am a bit behind on actually getting them out, but I should be good to go by Tuesday.
