Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 35: X-Ray

Wow... This week isn't going so great. I went to the doctor today to get an X-Ray on my foot that they had ordered a while back. I believe I have mentioned that I hurt my foot last summer playing soccer while training for the Chicago Marathon. I actually have a condition called Planters Fasciitus. Long story short we all have a tendon under our feet that connects from the heel to ball of our feet. When you don't have proper arch support this tendon can be stretched and irritated. It is VERY hard to heal. It takes time and minimum exertion. This condition doesn't bode well for someone who is trying to run a marathon and is required to run at least 3 miles just about every day of the week.

Let's just say I wasn't very happy when Doc told me I can't run for at least 6 months! That puts a rather large damper on my whole entire year! I now have to do all the things I have been talking about in this blog without actually running!?!? He said that it may heal a bit quicker... in the 3-4 month range. While that is still a long time I may be able to train for LA again next year. So, here I am, at square one...

My plan is to get to the gym more. The workouts are going to consist of 20-30 minutes of elliptical and then in to weight training. I figure I am going to have to work on getting my muscles toned and trim in order to stay off my foot and be ready when I can get back on it. I guess it isn't the end of the world, but it isn't exactly the greatest news ever. I am upset that I can't play soccer, wiffle may have to take a bit of a break, and I can't even walk the golf course...

I will work through this! I have made a commitment to myself and I expect to honor it.

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