Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 36: Activities

So my wonderful GF Liz came to me earlier this week with a desire to branch out. She stated that she was bored on the weekends and felt that we were letting our youth slip away. It is funny how this conversation coincided with what I had been thinking about as well. With much deliberation and clarification on what she actually meant by the whole thing ( I was kind worried she was dumping me) we set out to create a list of things to do. We wanted to create a hobby that we can both enjoy together! After brainstorming a pretty good amount of ideas we settled on starting out with some cooking classes as well as cultivating her interest in golf.

I know a lot of guys reading this will have just made a sour face, an audible chuckle, or a combination thereof, but I think that it is a great idea to teach her to golf. I really think it is a great sport for couples to learn simply because once the female understands why it is so important she is more likely to be agreeable to you playing with the guys and, moreover, designing trips around playing! That is good for everyone! As far as the cooking classes go... if you made a sour face or a chuckle... you are probably single! If you are, get in a cooking class! Women love guys that know their way around the kitchen and it is a great way to spend some quality time with a lady you may be interested in (cheaper than going out most of the time too).

I look forward to the challenges that are in front of us. I know that deciphering what we can do together isn't always going to be easy, but in the end it will be worth it!

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